Jay Van Dam

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Day 101: The Lightning Strike


- Last night had it started raining near the top of Mount Taylor while I was cowboy camping and was too lazy to set up my tent so I wrapped myself like a waterproof burrito and fell back to sleep. It worked fairly well until condensation began to build up on the inside.

- I watched some more Rick and Morty in the morning while I had decent reception.

- A whole lot of no trail today and overgrown road walks.

- Tons of sticker bushes today would cover all of my socks maybe I should get gators.

- Closest lightning strike yet today. Almost crapped my pants, the flash and the crack of the both happen almost simultaneously. Layed low in the afternoon waiting for a storm to pass for around an hour, heart pumping.

- Saw an owl staring at me close, maybe like 15ft away on a branch. Caught me as slightly eerie.

- Called Mike at the Mountain View Motel in Lima, ID about getting a shuttle into town tomorrow. I ended my day about 6mi away.

- Didn't realize how far I went today.