Jay Van Dam

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Day 86: Wild Bill & Carmela


-  Woke to Buddah popping his head up over a rock where the water source was not to far away.

- We apparently have been walking along the Oregon Trail for a stint? I remember learning about this piece of pioneering history from a similarly titled computer game. 

- Two mountain bikers rode by and stopped to ask me if I was ok? I was confused , so I asked if they were ok too... They rode off after saying have a good ride.

- Stayed at Wild Bill's Cabins in Atlantic City, more like a town. Bill and his wife Carmela were super accommodating making Buddah and I a big dinner followed by amazing cherry pie made by his wife Carmela. We both were giving them suggestions around the table on how to market their cabins they're renting to hikers of the CDT and bikers of the GDMBR (Great Divide Mountain Bike Route). Bill also drove Buddah an I to South Pass City, more like a historic monument. Where we saw with Quicksilver, Apache, and Treeman who ended up buying bikes at a Wal-Mart in Rawlins Wyoming and riding 120mi instead of hiking all the way to South Pass City. We all cracked up, it might be a first on this section of the CDT.

- Discovered that little Buddha has done way more hiking and anticipated, he was even the first people to hike the eastern Continental Trail or ECT. He's also good friends with Nimble Will Nomad, a hiker who has been walking for as long as I can remember. He also knew this mysterious hiker Legend who is going to attempt the figure 8 Triple Crown in one year coming up soon, I've heard of him several times. Insane.