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Day 28: Batty Water

IT Band hurt today, not the best of days, it didn't help that the elevation map was full of little ups and downs. Luckily I had enough reception to look up some stretches to loosen things up in that area on my left thigh.


I taught Dr. Bug how to properly back flush his Sawyer Squeeze water filter using a combination of taps and vigorous forcing of water through the horribly clogged device. They joked that I should be called "The Plumber" or "Mario."


After showing up to the last water source after dark I was surprised to find that Bats were EVERYWHERE around me. I swear I could feel their little wings brushing up against me as the munches on the mosquitos that were or whatever was trying to land on me. I think I might of annoyed Acorn who happened to be camping right next to the water trough where I was exclaiming every couple seconds. My camera flash confirmed that what was flying around me was in fact Bats.
