- Within the first 2 hours of hiking I came across a hiker looking around confused. I discovered he was on the verge of becoming very lost following the fading trail in tall grass. His phone GPS was malfunctioning from the get go this morning, and he had no paper maps as backup, oh and no food. Luckily I lead the way and fed him beef jerky links and candy for his final walk into Dubois.
- Walking on a road we were caught in the middle of a cattle drive. Where a cowboy essentially herds a group of cows to another pasture to graze. Being unknowing hikers we accidentally broke up his herd into the woods to the side of the road. "FUCKIN' GOD DAMMIT, GIT OUT OF THE FUCKIN' WOODS!", he kept saying. We ran off away from the cows trying to keep from interfering any more. From behind the trees the cowboy made a death wish for us to be eaten by Grizzlies. All I could say almost laughing was, "SORRY SIR!"
- Could not wait to get to town today.
- Met a southbound hiker Outro in the Super Foods grocery parking lot after hopping out of a quick hitch. She brought to my attention a free church Hostel down the street to crash at with a kitchen. I'm in, and girding down tons of spaghetti, salad, and chocolate milk.
You made it man.